PLAI - A card game for (not only) tech workers

Do you work in a fast-paced environment? Are you burned-out at work? Ready to create your AI startup? We are the solution to your challenges.

Sourced from professional situations, PLAI aims to be an innovative tool for your agile practices. Instead of planning, demos, and retrospectives, use that time to something more suited to your eternal aspirations of becoming part of a (work) family. Because at work, people do not have fun, but if you are in a family, playing board games is one of the great experiences of life. So instead of your 15-45 minute daily, play this game! 

Ready to reign over your career? Be the first to obtain the game!

While working for consultancies, big corporations, and startups, my colleagues and I encountered various confusing aspects. These included the motivational rhetoric, nonsensical gibberish, and a false sense of "curing" the world. Unfortunately, the projects we worked on would likely be forgotten in the future. 

Decided to not let those long hours crafting a Power-Point full of buzzwords to get clients or upper management buy-in fall in oblivion, I built the first prototype back in June 2022. The game began as a complex one, with cards having multiple classes. However, most of the mechanics were already established. And what I bring today is the refined version of this initial idea. with the same mechanics (funding, stealing assets, winning conditions...) but improved after hours of play and suggestions from beta testers.

 Every company has different dynamics, including teams and departments. And despite some of them being OK, most of us have faced some oddities at some point in our professional careers. Our day to day is drained by unclear requirements, unrealistic timelines, legacy systems, and tech debt. 

But it's time we say "That's enough!"  That's the reason I want all of you to have a copy of PLAI. 

Enjoy a good time ranting about the tech industry, goofy work situations and the latest buzzwords in AI.

"Why do you want my email?"

While the game is currently in a 90% finished state, it's no2 the time to see how many people is interested in the game and maybe do a crowdfunding campaign to make it possible.

According to multiple experts in the field, the best way to do so is via an email list where I can directly alert you when the campaign starts (no worries, I'll not sell it to anyone nor spam you). This way, we can avoid the social media algorithms and directly see when we launch.

So if this page got you curious, I it would be awesome if you can help me in 3 simple steps: 

  1. Sign up with your email
  2. Share it with two friends/colleagues who you think will be interested. Just two, no need for more!
  3. Send me feedback or questions about this at @plai_cards (in almost all social networks, X, IG)

Thank you!

It's your time to pave the way for your Monopoly

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